How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make?

Professional volleyball has excellent earning potential. How financially beneficial are the lives of these players?

Most people can earn well in their life by working very hard. But a professional volleyball player can earn $1 million just by playing a few matches.

How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make?

Entry-level professional volleyball players, who typically earn between $12k and $55k per year, can expect their salaries to gradually increase as they gain experience and establish themselves in the sport. On the other hand, seasoned professionals, who have honed their skills over time, command salaries above $100k. At the top of the game, the best players earn a staggering sum of over $1m a year, cementing their position as the best players in the world.

Volleyball salaries vary around the world. It depends on where in the world you are playing and how heavy that country’s currency is.

In this article, we will explore the factors that affect the earnings of professional volleyball players and examine the intricacies of their salaries.

Everything you need to know about how much do pro volleyball players make will be revealed as you continue reading.

Is There A Professional Volleyball League?

Yes, there are several professional volleyball leagues worldwide. Some of the notable professional volleyball leagues include

  • 1. FIVB Volleyball Nations League
  • 2. Italian Serie A1
  • 3. Russian Superleague
  • 4. Brazilian Superliga
  • 5. Polish PlusLiga
  • 6. Turkish Volleyball League
  • 7. South Korean V-League
  • 8. Chinese Volleyball League (CVL)
  • 9. Japanese V.League
  • 10. Argentine Volleyball League (Liga Argentina de Voleibol)

A brief overview of professional volleyball

Professional volleyball is a globally recognized sport played at the highest level of competition. It involves skilled players who participate in various leagues and tournaments.

overview of professional volleyball

With its fast-paced and exciting nature, professional volleyball captivates fans and showcases players’ athleticism and teamwork. From international tournaments to prestigious club leagues, professional volleyball offers thrilling action and showcases the best talent in the sport.

Importance of understanding player salaries

Understanding player salaries in professional volleyball is important to various stakeholders. For players, it provides insight into potential financial rewards and career prospects within the game. Fans better understand the value and recognition given to players based on their salaries.

What Element Influences How Much Professional Volleyball Players Make?

Trying to find out how much professional volleyball players make depends on a few elements such as how much quality you have and how much experience you have in the field.

We will discuss professional beach volleyball later because it is something different.

1. Foreigner Quota:

This is by far the single biggest influencing factor on how much a volleyball player can earn.

Each league allows only a certain number of foreigners to play on club contracts. The fewer foreign clubs are allowed to sign, the higher the average salary for these players.

The number of foreign players allowed per team varies across different countries in professional volleyball. For instance, in Russia, the quota is set at 2 players per team, while in Poland, it stands at 3. In contrast, France does not have a specific foreign quota, and there is no limit in Germany. Consequently, professional volleyball players tend to earn higher average salaries in Russia or Poland compared to France or Germany primarily due to these variations in foreign player restrictions.

Here’s a table showing the foreigner quota restrictions in professional volleyball leagues by country:

CountryForeigner Quota
ItalyMaximum of 3 foreign players per team
RussiaMaximum of 2 foreign players per team
BrazilNo specific foreigner quota restrictions
PolandMaximum of 2 foreign players per team
TurkeyMaximum of 2 foreign players per team
South KoreaMaximum of 2 foreign players per team
ChinaMaximum of 2 foreign players per team
JapanNo specific foreigner quota restrictions
ArgentinaNo specific foreigner quota restrictions
The United StatesNo specific foreigner quota restrictions
GermanyNo specific foreigner quota restrictions
FranceNo specific foreigner quota restrictions

2. Skill Level and Performance:

Players who have exceptional ability and perform at a high level are highly sought after by clubs and teams. The ability to effectively contribute to the success of your team leads to higher salaries and better contract opportunities. The skill level and performance not only highlight a player’s value to the team but also have a profound impact on their market value and earning potential in the world of professional volleyball.

Here’s a table showing the skill tiers in European volleyball leagues:

Skill TierExamples of Leagues
Top TierItalian Serie A1, Russian Superleague
Turkish Volleyball League, Polish PlusLiga
Brazilian Superliga
High TierFrench Ligue A, German Bundesliga
Belgian EuroMillions Volley League
Greek Volley League
Mid TierSpanish Superliga, Dutch Eredivisie
Swiss Volley League
Czech Volleyball Extraliga
Lower TierPortuguese Volleyball League, Swedish Elitserien
Finnish Lentopallon Mestaruusliiga
Slovak Volleyball Extraliga
Developing TierEmerging leagues with growing competition
and increasing the talent pool

3. Nationality and International Success:

Nationality. In leagues with restrictions or quotas on foreign players, players’ salaries may be affected by their nationality. By strong volleyball traditions, players from countries with exceptional talent are often highly sought after and are therefore likely to command higher salaries.

International Success. Representing one’s national team in prestigious tournaments like the Olympics or World Championships can greatly increase a player’s market value. Achieving success at the international level enables a player to earn more. Players who play at the international level not only get fame but also earn a lot of money which you can’t even imagine. International success by demonstrating skill and performance makes players more desirable to clubs, leading to higher earnings.

4. Geographical Location and Cost of Living:

Geographical location and cost of living are components that greatly influence the salaries of professional volleyball players. Players based in cities or countries can expect higher salaries to continue their standard of living. Additionally, countries, where volleyball is more admired, can offer chances for sponsorships, endorsements, and higher salaries. However, it is also important to know that the organization of the league and the performance of the players also play an important part in the salaries of the players.

5. Position and Role on the Team:

A player’s position and role on a professional volleyball team can significantly affect their salary. Certain positions, such as setters or outside hitters, are often given more importance due to their strategic importance and team performance. Players who excel in these key positions and play an important role in leading the team can earn higher salaries than less influential players. The skills and responsibilities associated with the position play an important role in the player’s performance and the team’s success, and all of these elements have a profound impact on his salary.

Popular volleyball countries with higher salaries

Here’s a table showcasing popular volleyball countries known for offering higher salaries:

ItalyRenowned for its competitive salaries in the Italian Serie A1
RussiaRussian Superleague offers attractive salaries to players
BrazilBrazilian Superliga provides lucrative opportunities
TurkeyTurkish Volleyball League offers competitive salaries
ChinaChinese Volleyball League known for higher player salaries

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In Asia in 2024?

In Asian volleyball, the players are earning surprisingly. It is quite difficult for domestic players to join the Asian team.

In Asia, it is observed that entry-level local professional men’s volleyball players tend to earn salaries ranging from $15.5k to $55k per season. On the other hand, top local players have the potential to earn salaries closer to $530k. Meanwhile, international superstar volleyball players who compete in Asia can often secure salaries exceeding $1 million per season. These salary ranges are indicative and can vary based on individual player contracts, performance, and market demand.

In countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Turkey, where volleyball leagues are well established, high-level players can earn substantial incomes. These players, often international stars or experienced local players, can earn salaries ranging from tens of thousands to millions of dollars per season.

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In Japan in 2024?

How much professional players earn in Japan depends on how skilled they are, how experienced they are, and what level they’re playing at.

Volleyball Players

Local entry-level players in Japan can expect to earn a starting salary in the ballpark of $15.5k.

The average annual earnings for top-tier players in the Japanese Volleyball Premier League (V-League) fall within the range of ¥20 million to ¥40 million (equivalent to approximately $180,000 to $360,000 USD).

Some star players earn even more because of their skills. Top Japanese players can earn well over 6 figures. Their income ranges from ¥20 million to more than ¥40 million per year, and may even rise. These extraordinary athletes are also capable of reaping the financial rewards that come with their amazing talent and sporting success.

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In Korea in 2024?

Korea is making a name for itself in the volleyball world by signing contracts with professional volleyball players from around the world. Korea is a famous star in the volleyball world.

Top-level players in the Korean Volleyball League can earn between 100 million and 300 million Korean won (approximately $88,000 to $264,000 USD) per year. According to recent revelations, the average salary for professional volleyball players in Korea is reported to be approximately $141k.

But these figures can vary, with some star players earning even more. Additionally, foreign players can earn higher salaries due to their experience and expertise. This salary depends on individual contracts, team budget, and other factors.

The following graph illustrates the wage growth in professional men’s Korean volleyball from the 2015/16 season to the 2021/22 season, represented in Korean won.

Female volleyball players in Korea earn less than their male counterparts. In addition, women who play at the highest level earn well, but these women earn slightly less than men.

Top Earning Korean Women’s Volleyballers (2021/22)

PlayerTeamSalary (USD)
Yang Hyo-JinHyundai$555,000
Lee So-YoungKGC$514,000
Park Jeong-AhExpressway$459,000
Kang So-HwiCaltex$396,000
Kim Hee-JinIBK$277,000

Top Earning Korean Men’s Volleyballers (2021/22)

PlayerTeamSalary (USD)
Han Sun-SooJumbos$594,000
Hwang Taek-EuiKB Stars$578,000
Shin Yung-SukKEPCO$515,000
Jung Ji-SeokJumbos$459,000
Park Chul-WooKEPCO$435,000

It should be noted that the salaries of international signings in Korean women’s volleyball, which would easily top these lists, are not accounted for in these numbers.

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In China in 2024?

Volleyball is less popular in China than in Japan and Korea. Because the volleyball Super League is not established here. So it is a bit difficult to find out their salary.

 Nowadays the popularity of volleyball is increasing rapidly, maybe this sport will become more popular in the coming time. According to an estimate, it can be said that their salary is quite low compared to Japanese and Korean.

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In Europe in 2024?

Professional volleyball players are found in Europe. Here players are paid more than their expectations. Many people have been trying to figure out the salary of professional volleyball players for many years.

In Europe, it is known that entry-level professional volleyball players earn salaries ranging from $13k to $100k, while certain superstar players in Tier 1 leagues command salaries exceeding $1m.

European Professional Volleyball Salaries By Country

Country/LeagueTierSalary (USD)
Russia1$100k – $1m+
Italy1$100k – $1m
Poland1$30k – $800k
Turkey2$30k – $600k
France2$30k – $500k
Argentina2$10k – $100k
Germany3$15k – $250k
Belgium, France, Greece3$15k – $150k
Austria, England, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland4$12k – $60k

These values have been determined after researching this topic.

What is considered a typical entry-level salary?

Entry-level professional volleyball players can earn between $12k-$55k per year, while seasoned professionals can earn over $100k per year. 

Salaries for professional athletes depend on where they play. The world’s best players in the north have an annual salary of $1m.

Gaining experience is the key to success for young professionals:

1. For young professionals, the importance lies in gaining experience.

2. For young professionals, valuable experience can be gained through various strategies.

3. Career growth can be maximized by accumulating experience as a young professional.

4. In advancing as a young professional, experience plays a crucial role.

5. Experience has the potential to propel young professionals forward in their careers.

Just as experience is an essential part of any field, so too is experience critical to success in the world of professional volleyball.

Skill Improvement: Perfecting your skills is an important part of the volleyball world. An experienced player is in high demand all over the world. Practicing volleyball as much as possible improves a player’s skills, helping them serve, hit, block, and dig. Experience helps a player understand the intricacies of the game.

Game Sense: A professional volleyball player with his experience can achieve high success by understanding the sense of the game and the tactics of the opposing team.

Teamwork: Success in volleyball depends on teamwork. The stronger a team’s communication, the better. Teamwork teaches us how to work together.

Learning from Mistakes: Experience helps us learn from mistakes. A player will not learn until he makes a mistake. The end of each game gives us a lesson on who has done well and who hasn’t. In this way, over time we will correct our mistakes and perform well.

Along with discipline, and passion for the game, experience can truly be the key to success for professional volleyball players. If you have more experience and skills, you can become a fast-growing player in the volleyball world.

How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make In Italy in 2024?

Volleyball is very popular in Italy. Italian men’s and women’s teams have been playing internationally for many years. But the men’s team has made more progress than the women’s. The team has won (FIVB) World Championships and European Championships as well as Olympic medals.

The highest-earning professional volleyball players in Italy have the potential to earn approximately $1m annually. On the other hand, those starting their careers in the sport can anticipate earning closer to $100k per year. Female athletes earn slightly less than male athletes.

How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make In Russia in 2024?

Volleyball is recognized as one of the oldest team sports that has been practiced in Russia. Men’s and women’s teams are achieving great success at the national and international levels in this popular game of Russia.

The annual salary of a professional volleyball player is $65,000. In the game, experienced players can earn up to $100,000 per year. High-level players can earn millions of dollars a year.

The Russian volleyball league is one of the most competitive leagues in the entire world. Volleyball is popular here both in terms of fans and participation. Clubs here have a lot of financial resources so top players are offered well. It is a country where sports are heavily emphasized. A large part of the investment here is spent on sports.

How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make In Germany in 2024?

Volleyball is popular in Germany as both a recreational activity and a spectator sport. The game is widely played in colleges, universities, and clubs. International tournaments are hosted in this country. It has been seen that beach volleyball has gained more popularity here. Here, the Bundesliga is a top professional league for both men and women.

Professional volleyball players, potentially earning anywhere from $15k-$250k per season, are a common sight in the German Bundesliga

How Much Do Pro Volleyball Players Make In Turkey in 2024?

Mustafa Kavaz, who is the head coach of men’s league champions Ziraat Bankkart, says that after the success of the volleyball team in Turkey in 2021-22, people’s interest in the sport is increasing.

The women’s volleyball league in Turkey has gained worldwide popularity. Teams such as Vakıfbank İstanbul, Eczacıbaşı VitrA, and Fenerbahçe have enjoyed international success, increasing public interest in the sport.

Professional volleyball players in the Turkish Efe Ligi, where they can negotiate contracts resulting in earnings ranging from $30k-$600k per season depending on their skill level, are an example of the lucrative opportunities in the Tier 2 European league, such as the Turkish Efe League.

Professional athletes, who have the potential to earn over a million dollars per season, represent the top earners in their respective sports.

How Much Do Professional Volleyball Players Make In the USA in 2024?

The popularity of volleyball has significantly grown in America, placing it among the most widely-followed sports. When it comes to the earnings of professional volleyball players in Europe, they typically receive an annual salary in the range of $12,999 to $100,000 on average. However, some renowned individuals in the sport stand out by garnering up to $1 million per year.

Volleyball Players

Does The USA Have Professional Volleyball Teams?

There are teams of professional volleyball players in the USA. Here are some examples:

National Volleyball Association (NVA): Established in 2017, the league, which is a men’s indoor volleyball league, includes many teams from across the country.

Athletes Unlimited Volleyball: There’s a unique league that started operations in 2021, introducing an unconventional format that diverges from the traditional team structure, with an aim to enhance player performance. The distinctive setup awards the championship title to the player who accumulates the most points by the season’s end.

These leagues represent professional volleyball in the USA. However, it is also important to note that the professional volleyball scene in the USA has been less developed than in other countries, such as Europe and Asia. America, where ongoing efforts to further develop the game are reported, continues to contribute significantly to the growth of volleyball.

How Much Do Athletes Unlimited Volleyball Players Make?

Volleyball players in Athletes Unlimited experience a unique situation, marked by a salary structure that differs from those typical of professional sports leagues.

In the case of Athletes Unlimited, whose volleyball season spans only five weeks, players are provided a remuneration of $10,000. Furthermore, there’s an opportunity for athletes who perform exceptionally well to earn an extra sum of up to $35,000.

How Much Do Team USA Volleyball Players Make?

Some of the highest-paid players in volleyball are found on the USA team, which is recognized for its exceptional talent.

It’s noted that the earning potential within the team varies depending on the player’s experience and seniority. For instance, younger, entry-level professionals typically earn between $15,000 and $50,000 annually. On the other hand, the more seasoned members of Team USA have the potential to earn in excess of $500,000 per year. It is worth mentioning that the average salary for a Professional Athlete in USA Volleyball is around $72,168 per year.

How Much Do Professional Women’s Volleyball Players Make in 2024?

Depending on factors such as the league of participation, individual skills, experience, and league position, salaries for professional women’s volleyball players can vary significantly.

In terms of earning potential, it can be seen that entry-level professional women’s volleyball players can expect to earn between $10,000 and $25,000 per year, while more experienced players can expect to earn over $100,000 per year.

Who is the most-paid female volleyball player?

It has been reported that Yeon-Koung, a retired outside hitter who joined the South Korean national team, achieved significant success in her career. Her net worth has been estimated to be around $1 million, positioning her as one of the highest-paid players globally. Additionally, Yeon-Koung is recognized as one of the prominent female volleyball players.

How Much Do Professional Beach Volleyball Players Make in 2024?

Beach volleyball is the most popular sport in the Olympics. This game is very highly demanding, and only experienced players can perform well in it.

The earnings of professional beach volleyball players, which can range from $10,000 to over $1 million per year, are predominantly influenced by factors such as prize money won in tournaments and endorsement deals secured.

How much do beach volleyball player tournament prize money?

  • 1-star tournament: 2000$
  • 2-star tournament: 4000$
  • 3-star tournament: 8000$
  • 4-star tournament: 20000$
  • 5-star tournament: 40000$
  • World Tour Final: 150000$

From professional beach volleyball, these players have emerged as the highest earners in terms of financial success:

  • Karch Kiraly: $3,210,239 in 22 seasons
  • Emanuel Rego: $2,693,463 in 21 seasons
  • Kerri Walsh Jennings: $2,656,635 in 20 seasons

How Much Do USA Beach Volleyball Players Make in 2024?

Beach volleyball is regarded as more challenging than indoor volleyball. For this demanding sport, entry-level players aren’t compensated generously. However, a handsome salary is earned by professional players in beach volleyball. Between $10k-$100k per year is expected to be earned by professional beach volleyball players, with star players potentially earning considerably more.

Beach Volleyball

Carrie Lee Walsh Jennings, who hails from Santa Clara, California, holds the title of the most successful female beach volleyball player to ever compete. She’s widely recognized for her unparalleled accomplishments, including having the most Olympic medals in beach volleyball history, the most total matches won, and more victories than any other female player. Furthermore, she has the distinction of being the highest-earning player in her sport.

Are Professional Volleyball Players Rich?

The earnings of professional volleyball players are determined by the league they participate in, their level of skill, and their market value. Wealth is not a common trait among many volleyball players. 

Around $12k-$55k per year is made on average by a typical professional volleyball player, whereas an average veteran player earns about $100k. The highest-earning players globally are reported to make more than $1 million per year on average.

It’s implied that volleyball players who are at a less advanced level don’t secure a substantial income. To supplement their finances, they find it necessary to undertake additional work during the offseason.

Top 10 Highest-Paid Volleyball Players in the World:

The list of the world’s top ten highest-paid volleyball players is as follows:

1. Zhu Ting ($1.6 million/season)

2. Wilfredo Leon ($1.4 million/season)

3. Katerina Gamova ($1.4 million/season)

4. Earvin N’Gapeth ($1.35 million/season)

5. Bartosz Kurek ($1.1 million/season)

6. Logan Tom ($1 million/season)

7. Robertlandy Simon ($967,000/season)

8. Dmitriy Muserskiy ($950, 000/season)

9. Aleksandar Atanasijevichane ($920,000/season)

10.  Gyorgy Grozer ($870,000/season)

How Do Professional Volleyball Players Get Paid?

Professional volleyball players typically derive their earnings from a variety of sources.

Salaries: Being the most significant source of income for professional players, salaries can fluctuate extensively based on the player’s skill level. High salaries for professional players are particularly offered by top leagues in countries such as Italy, Russia, or China.

Prize Money: Money can also be earned by players through winning tournaments. The amounts of prize money can vary widely, with smaller prize money being offered by lesser-known tournaments, and larger prize money being offered by international competitions to players. Sponsorships and Endorsements: Money can be earned from sponsorships or endorsements with various companies by famous athletes, particularly those who have achieved international success or maintain a high profile. These deals are proven to be very lucrative for well-known players.

Volleyball Salary FAQ

Can volleyball players go pro?

The process of becoming a professional volleyball player generally necessitates the acquisition of advanced skills, a process that often entails many years of rigorous training and consistent effort. 

This journey typically spans periods of high school and college, where the player engages in extensive practice and competitive matches.

How much do Turkish women’s volleyball players earn?

Depending on the skill level of the player, anywhere from $30k-$600k per season can be earned by professional volleyball players in the Turkish Efe Ligi.

How much do Brazilian volleyball players make?

It’s well-acknowledged that volleyball holds immense popularity in Brazil, and the nation is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest players.

The earnings of the four highest-paid volleyball players reportedly reach up to $738k annually.

Moreover, owing to their exceptional skills and widespread popularity, members of the Brazil national team have been reported to earn up to $150k per season.

What is the salary of a Korean professional volleyball player?

It is known that the highest-earning players in Korea have the potential to make substantial earnings, with estimates suggesting that Korean professionals could be earning around $1m per season.

How much do Philippine volleyball players make?

The two professional volleyball leagues in the Philippines are the Philippine Super League (PSL) and the Premier Volleyball League (PVL). 

In the Philippines, an average salary of $6,604 per year and $3.18 per hour is earned by a volleyball player. A salary ranging between $4788 and $7913 is typically earned by a volleyball player.

What is the salary of a volleyball player in Canada?

It’s acknowledged that even though volleyball enjoys considerable popularity in Canada, it does not stand as one of the primary sports generating significant revenue. There is a trend observed among professional players from Canada who often opt to play in leagues abroad.

What is the salary of a volleyball player in Argentina?

In terms of both salary and talent, a decline has been observed in Argentina’s volleyball league following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Professional volleyball players in Argentina can earn between $10k and $100k. Despite the downturn, Argentina is recognized as a powerful volleyball nation, as many local players of remarkable talent are present.

How much do professional men’s volleyball players make in Europe?

In Europe, a yearly salary between $12,999 and $100,000 is earned by professional volleyball players. A salary of up to 1 million dollars is earned by some famous individuals.

Which country has the best volleyball team?

As of the date specified, which is 16 November 2022, it’s stated that the top-ranked team in the men’s category is Poland, and for the women’s category, it’s Serbia.

Where Is Volleyball Most Popular?

Popular in many nations, volleyball holds arguably the highest favor in three countries: Brazil, the United States, and Russia, with Brazil, frequently appearing in the top five of the FIVB Senior World Rankings.

How many countries play volleyball in the world?

The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) is overseen by more than 200 nations that host professional volleyball teams for both men and women. As observed in the 2022 season, American players are engaged in play in countries including but not limited to Turkey, Japan, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Finland, Portugal, Israel, Poland, Denmark, and more.

What was the first country to play volleyball?


What is the old name of the game volleyball?

Volleyball, which was originally termed “mintonette,” was conceived in 1895 as a novel sport idea by William G. Morgan, an American.

How long does it take to be a pro at volleyball?

To attain ‘world-class’ status, a player is required to engage in volleyball training or play for a minimum of 10,000 hours, translating to approximately 3 hours daily or 20 hours weekly over a span of 10 years.

What skill do I need to play volleyball?

The following are being described: the act of serving, forearm underhand passing known as passing, overhead passing referred to as setting, hitting or spiking as attack options, blocking from both attack and defend positions, along with defensive skills such as rolling and sliding.

How do you get perfect volleyball skills?

Massive improvement in your volleyball skills can be achieved with these seven tips, aimed at ensuring consistent and continuous improvement:

Your physical fitness should be improved.

The serve should be practiced.

Passes should be perfected.

Slow-motion training should be tried.

The art of blocking should be learned.

Training should be focused on Power Hits.

Dynamic Position Shifting should be practiced.

Also Read: How Many Players Are On A Volleyball Team?

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